Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

by | Dec 31, 2020 | Finances, Lifestyle, Mindset, Productivity, Real Estate



2020 what a year and what a wild ride it’s been for all of us, all of humanity without exceptions!

I left my cushy job in technology in June 2019 to jump into business full-time and almost second guessed myself when the pandemic hit and everything was shutdown in March 2020. After a 2 week “initial shock” of the being angry and upset at the situation and the shutdown, my life completely changed thanks to John Maxwell Leadership Center! 

There are two ways we can cope with adversity and challenge –
1) Get angry, upset, slip into depression & do nothing
2) Use the anger as fuel for positive change & take action

I was definitely on the path of feeling depressed until I listened to a series of lectures on Leadership through a Crisis with John Maxwell. I had incidentally met Maxwell  in July 2019 at a Financial Services Conference in Vegas. I had always heard and read about him but it was profoundly impactful to be next to him and to listen to his wisdom in person! I truly believe that people come into our lives for good reasons at the right time and you can only connect those dots looking back… he played a very important role in how I handled myself through a difficult 2020!


With John Maxwell, Las Vegas, NV – July 2019

With John Maxwell - July 2019, Las Vegas
During the initial COVID shutdown his lectures influenced me to look for avenues to add value and engage others – My investor-education webinars became weekly, I started the Moneywise Learning webinar series to keep kids who were stuck at home post-spring break engaged while educating them on finances (this is going to grow and become bigger & better in 2021, stay tuned!), I started a new line of business with my existing clients that fit in perfectly with my existing one and complemented it, I started homeless donation drives that gave me a sense of being useful because honestly I was dejected. Very soon I really forgot we were in a pandemic because I was so engaged and so purposefully so!

I say this not to brag but to emphasize that too often we become our own worst enemies, too often we get in our own way. It’s our thoughts and the meaning we attach to events that define the course of our lives, not the events themselves. So choose your thoughts, choose what you want to focus on and choose what meaning you give to events. While I had always heard these, 2020 was a time to put it into practice!

Some 2020 accomplishments at Cherry Street

1) Brought two large Multifamily deals in Austin & Katy to my investors and also a Dual- Senior Living deal in Florida all n the last 4 months of 2020. Did my first deal in Austin in Wells Branch area right next to where I lived when I first graduated and moved to Austin for my first job! Felt great to be buying an apartment complex over 250 units with my investors when 20 years ago exactly I was renting an apartment there!

2) Started my Youtube Channel “Cherry Street Investments” with investors & kids financial education that has organically grown to over 300+ subscribers, over 65 webinars, short videos and more. Soon to be bigger and more badass in 2021! Conducted over 40 live webinars in 2020.

3) Hosted a 2-day Virtual Investor Conference – Passive Investor Ed 2020 with my amazing partners  Elisa ZhangRajesh Tekchandani & Ramesh Natchiappan. With just a month long headway, our first event in November featured 16 amazing talented and industry leaders, over 350 paid registrants and over 250 happy attendees who felt the event added value to them!

4) Created a new power team Passive Investor Partners with the best partners I could hope for & whose values and principles align with mine perfectly. is coming soon and we as a team are bigger, badder and stronger! Watch out for some big announcements, programs and investment opportunities in 2021!

5) Over 15 homeless food drives done in 2020. Took a pause the last month because of health reasons but plan to resume in 2021! Thanks for those of you who supported this and made it possible! I’m grateful to you for your support and contributions!

6) Helped many of my investors and clients setup Infinite Banking policies to protect their families while building wealth and a source of college savings, investments and retirement. I hope to help many many more understand this incredible wealth building strategy in 2021!

Truthfully though, 2020 wasn’t all about success & positivity,  there were plenty of failures, heartbreaks and what-the-heck-am-I-doing-with-my-life moments too! Life isn’t perfect for any of us, but there are always moments that we can cherish amidst the messiness and rawness of it…let’s thank 2020 for the lessons in the challenges and look forward to the opportunities that a new year and new beginnings bring!

Thank you for the support, encouragement and feedback that you provide me which helps me be a better person everyday and do things better! I’m truly grateful to be what I do and to be connected to people like you!


Happy New Year 2021 to you and your families!

Cheers to your health, happiness & prosperity!