I rarely have people call me that aren’t ready to pull the trigger! Most of my prospects are ready to be clients BEFORE that first phone call. Did I get lucky? Nope!
This didn’t happen from the get-go but happened along the way when I wasn’t paying attention…I realize that most prospects have been sitting on the sidelines and following me for a long while before they initiate contact.
Why so?
I think prospects are trying to judge –
1) Do I REALLY know what I’m talking about?
2) Am I who I say I am?
3) Can they trust me with their money?
For me personally, an awful LOT of conversions from prospects to clients have been based on my knowledge, authenticity & transparency. No heavy sales pitches needed!
Most of them have sat on the sidelines, watched me, judged and made up their minds Some have even talked to other connections who might have vouched for me. So in essence my content (both personal & educational) has resonated with them in some way and they feel like already know me!
Are there still hesitations sometimes. Of course! Here’s how I minimize dealing with them.
If you have a solid understanding of potential hangups for prospects, you can develop campaigns that directly respond to those issues. As a result, you’ll be able to answer questions before they’re even asked.
Boom! Problem solved!
Stay tuned for next week’s learnings! Hasta La Vista Amigos et Amigas!