"We are 63 and 67, and just finished a 20 year term spending 35K over the term policy. Wish I had known about this 20 years ago."Â One of the attendees of a webinar I hosted on Sunday evening on "Infinity Banking" sent me this message when they submitted a request for...
Real Estate
Road to Recovery – Which U.S. Markets are best poised for a strong comeback?
Last week, I wrote a blog about the US markets that are likely to see the most impact due to the COVID crisis. This week I want to focus on the markets best poised for a strong comeback. I recently heard Moody Analytics’ Senior Economist Adam Kamins sharing his...
How to use your Retirement Account for Real Estate and more!
As a real estate investor for well over 10 years I can unequivocally say that the best thing I've done for myself is setup a custodian-free Solo401K account (also called QRP, eQRP and other confusing names but they all boil down to the same fundamental thing).  A Solo...
Will your housing market be affected by the COVID Crisis?
Are you considering buying a house for investment or personal use in 2020? Are you concerned about the impact COVID will have the housing market in your county? Are you worried you might lose your money making an investment that might drop in value? The good news is...
Will this make the boat go faster?
"Will this make the boat go faster" - how is this even relevant to real estate you might ask? What does this even mean? Why are we talking about a boat? I spend a fair number of my weekends driving and flying to several events and conferences throughout the year. Most...
Due Diligence on Opportunity Zone Investments
Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF) can be used as an investment vehicle to defer taxes on any type of capital gains event and also allow your gains to grow tax-free with a 10-year hold. As a follow-up to my previous blog on Opportunity zone investments, I wanted to...