
“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have”

~ Jim Rohn

The Power of Giving

We learn early on that it is better to give than to receive. We are taught to give and it feels good to help someone in need. It’s been shown that our brains are hardwired to serve and it’s been scientifically proven that helping others gives us more gratification than acquiring material possessions.  

As investors we have been blessed with plenty and have enough disposable incomes that we can support various causes near and dear to our hearts. I believe that as we look to multiply and grow our wealth, giving to the less fortunate is our moral responsibility. These quotes summarize the sentiment succinctly. 




“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~Saint Francis of Assisi


“The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.” ~Leo Tolstoy


“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” ~Winston Churchill


“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” ~Chinese proverb

My Personal Story

My own story has moved me to be very close to the cause of helping kids in need especially those in less fortunate parts of the world where they can’t take anything for granted.

A day before my daughter’s first birthday we found that she had a serious heart condition known as “Dilated Cardiomyopathy” with a heart function of 6% (normal is 60-70%). We were advised to put her on the transplant list and spent a lot of the next five years in and out of hospitals dealing with not only her heart condition but also an eating disorder as a result of this which forced us to tube-feed her. It was a difficult experience to endure as a parent not only dealing with the uncertainty of not knowing if she’d make it through but also dealing with her nasogastric tube and having to watch her getting poked and prodded day in and out. We were lucky enough to put her through a non-FDA approved (for kids) regimen with one of the best doctors in the field of pediatric cardiomyopathy. She recovered and made rapid progress, and continues to be under constant medical supervision and a lifelong regimen of drugs. We are extremely blessed that she’s now an intelligent, beautiful and a kind-hearted 15-year old teenager with all the problems of one! She’s normal now in all aspects minus the ability to be physically very active and play in any competitive sport.

What this experience taught me was that we were blessed beyond measure. A lot of kids with these conditions don’t make it because they don’t have access to the amazing medical care we did. It’s been my purpose since then to help the less fortunate kids around the world especially those who need medical attention.

My daughter Anya – Now 15 !

Giving Back to AshaJyothi

I’m pleased to support “AshaJyothi” – a charity that is transforming the lives of children in need in a small town in India. They support over 80 special-needs orphaned or abandoned kids and cover all their basic and medical needs. I would like to share this cause in the hope that you can help them. Please watch this short video I put together that talks about what they do and how you can help!

 Ways you can support AshaJyothi

100% of the all proceeds donated go to AshaJyothi. You can contribute monthly to adopt and sponsor a specific child you choose or you can make one-time or recurring donations towards wheelchairs, food, clothing and more.

Sandhya Madduri who is a Technical Project Manager at Bank of America serves as a Director of Save The Child (, a registered 501 c(3) non-profit based in Frisco, TX that helps her co-ordinate all AshaJyothi fundraising activities in the United States. You can view Sandhya’s page here.

You can submit your tax-deductible donations at the link below and can also set-up company matching if your organization supports it. Many employers like IBM, Dell, Atlassian, HP and others to name a few provide matching for US-registered charities. Save The Child allows us to help AshaJyothi avail of these amazing benefits. This allows you to support a child for as little as $35 a month with your company matching another $35.

Here are some kids you can help who are in urgent need of some sponsors. If you sign up for ongoing support of a chosen child we will send you frequent updates on them. You’re also welcome to visit them and meet them in person if you visit India.

If you have any questions or concerns about your donations please feel free to contact me at with your query.
You can pay via Paypal (one time/monthly recurring (please click the yellow Paypal on the page that loads) or pay with automatic drafts (ACH) directly from your bank. All the different options are below




SPONSORED – Kavitha Baratakke
Jyothi Kumar
Nithin Sai