
How to use your Retirement Account for Real Estate and more!

As a real estate investor for well over 10 years I can unequivocally say that the best thing I've done for myself is setup a custodian-free Solo401K account (also called QRP, eQRP and other confusing names but they all boil down to the same fundamental thing).  A Solo...

Will your housing market be affected by the COVID Crisis?

Are you considering buying a house for investment or personal use in 2020? Are you concerned about the impact COVID will have the housing market in your county? Are you worried you might lose your money making an investment that might drop in value? The good news is...

Learning to enjoy the process…

In the Western World we tend to be very obsessed with goals and outcomes. We are always setting goals - meeting them or missing them and beating ourselves up. We are conditioned to be outcome focused in our schools, our jobs. our everyday life. Just look at all the...

Manifest Your Reality

Is reality created or are you living a life you've been pre-destined to live? After a good deal of time doing this thing called life - I've decided that we create our realities. An awful lot of it anyway. Sure circumstances are thrown your way - good, bad and ugly....